Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Foundation of Computer Science; 2020. An advanced taxonomy for social engineering attacks.
Hits: 2032
Visitors: 2025
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Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Foundation of Computer Science; 2020. Evaluating contemporary digital awareness programs for future application within the cyber security social engineering domain.
Hits: 1868
Visitors: 1856
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Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. ACM Digital Library; 2019. An academic review of current industrial and commercial cyber security social engineering solutions.
Hits: 1428
Visitors: 1428
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Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2020. Analysis and findings of social engineering industry experts explorative interviews: perspectives on measures, tools, and solutions.
Hits: 1889
Visitors: 2001
Downloads: 138
Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. Challenges of implementing training and awareness programs targeting cyber security social engineering.
Hits: 1495
Visitors: 1490
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Aldawood, Hussain, Alabadi, Marwa, Alharbi, Olayan, Skinner, Geoffrey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. A Contemporary Review of Raising Health Awareness Using ICT for Application in the Cyber Security Domain.
Hits: 3010
Visitors: 3005
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Aldawood, Hussain, Alashoor, Tawfiq, Skinner, Geoffrey. Foundation of Computer Science; 2020. Does awareness of social engineering make employees more secure?.
Hits: 2380
Visitors: 2363
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Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. Educating and Raising Awareness on Cyber Security Social Engineering: A Literature Review.
Hits: 1667
Visitors: 1662
Downloads: 1
Aldawood, Hussain, Alhejaili, Anwar, Alabadi, Marwa, Alharbi, Olayan, Skinner, Geoffrey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2019. Integrating Digital Leadership in an Educational Supervision Context: A Critical Appraisal.
Hits: 2670
Visitors: 2668
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Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. MDPI AG; 2019. Reviewing cyber security social engineering training and awareness programs-pitfalls and ongoing issues.
Hits: 1817
Visitors: 1930
Downloads: 122
Aldawood, Hussain, Skinner, Geoffrey. Foundation of Computer Science; 2019. A taxonomy for social engineering attacks via personal devices.
Hits: 1612
Visitors: 1606
Downloads: 0
Aldawood, Hussain. An awareness policy framework for cyber security social engineering threats. 2021.